CubeSats: The Earthquake Prediction Tool We’ve Been Waiting For?NOW.SPACE—Probably not. But is there harm in trying?
'Unidentified Flying Object' Seen As SpaceX Rocket ExplodedSNOPES—Video capturing the explosion of SpaceX’s Falcon-9 rocket during a test fire seems to show an unidentified flying object pass above the rocket just beforehand.
Chimpanzee Rapidly Memorizes And Locates Numbers On A ScreenSNOPES—A video showing a chimp finding numbers on a screen is real, and part of ongoing research at Kyoto University's Primate Research Institute.
Why Did The Maya Care So Much About Predicting Venus' Location?NOW.SPACE— A new interpretation of an ancient Mesoamerican text makes Maya medieval science seem a whole lot like “Western” medieval science.
China’s New Satellite Will Test An Un-Hackable Encryption SystemNOW.SPACE—China's new satellite could revolutionize how we encrypt and send sensitive information by harnessing the spooky features of quantum mechanics.
Here’s One Way We Might Be Able To Hack Interstellar TravelNOW.SPACE—A new study—the result of a competition to design a century-long interstellar mission—has a possible solution to a major barrier to interstellar travel.
Status Update: The Chinese Space StationNOW.SPACE—No, the Chinese Space Station isn't going to crash into your yard; it's not even built yet!
Why Does The European Space Agency Launch Its Rockets From South America?NOW.SPACE—Why pick a sparsely populated, heavily rainforested, former French penal colony a hemisphere away as the go-to place to launch European rockets?
New Dinosaur Discovery Suggests T. Rex’s Stubby Arms Weren’t UselessMOTHERBOARD—Paleontologists have found another dinosaur with stubby arms. What did these awkward-looking predators know that we don't?
Six Quick Facts About Our Solar System’s Newest Dwarf PlanetNOW.SPACE—Today, an international team of astronomers announced that they had discovered a new dwarf planet. Here’s what we know.
Juno’s Make-Or-Break MomentNOW.SPACE—Here’s why it’s so vital that Juno's Jupiter orbit insertion burn goes exactly as planned.
FYI: Space Shuttles Are Still Very Much A ThingNOW.SPACE—Just because NASA is no longer in the space shuttle game doesn’t mean the concept is dead.
A Mission To Neptune’s Moon Triton Would Be Pretty CoolNOW.SPACE—Neptune’s moon Triton is a bit off.
Designing The Perfect Escape From A Failing RocketNOW.SPACE — The hope is that they never have to be used, but that doesn’t mean that the escape systems designed to save astronauts in the event of a failed launch aren’t engineering feats in their own right.
‘Monkey Archaeology’ Reveals Macaque’s Own Stone Age CultureNEW SCIENTIST — The world’s first archaeology dig of an old world monkey culture has uncovered the tools used by previous generations of wild macaques – a group of primates separated from humans by some 25 million years of evolution.
Radio Waves Hint At Drama Deep Below The Clouds Of JupiterNOW.SPACE — Despite humanity’s long history of observing the planet, what’s happening below Jupiter’s complex surface has remained a mystery. Now, radio waves are providing the first picture of what’s going on down there.
What Was The Moon Like Before It Became A Boring Hunk Of Rock?NOW.SPACE — We tend to think of the Moon as frozen in time—abandoned to the vacuum of space as it rapidly cooled, its surface left to be molded only by the violent impacts of asteroids and other space debris.
Encrypted Holograms Are ComingMOTHERBOARD — Move aside, old hologram, the age of the meta-hologram is upon us.
Will We Ever Get to See an Exoplanet Outside Our Own Solar System?NOW.SPACE — More exoplanets are discovered every day, it seems. But will we ever get the satisfaction of seeing one up close?
This Distorted Galaxy May Be The Key to Understanding Dark MatterNOW.SPACE — New analysis of a famous gravitational lens betrays the presence of invisible “dark dwarf galaxies”. The discovery sheds metaphorical (though certainly not literal) light on the structure and nature of dark matter in our universe.
When You Find Actual Stardust Buried in the Ocean FloorNOW.SPACE — Some radioactive dust buried on the seafloor shows us that supernovas are not uncommon in our neck of the woods. And that they can leave a record.
This Hazy Image Of A Solar System Forming Is Pretty Much A MiracleNOW.SPACE — Those rings are actually nascent planets, and what you are looking at is the clearest image ever of the birth of a new solar system.
North Korea Is So Afraid of This Volcano, It Asked Western Scientists for HelpMOTHERBOARD — Kim Jong-il, the late Supreme Leader of the totalitarian Democratic People's Republic of Korea, is said to have been born on the summit of Mount Paektu—a 9000-foot volcano straddling the border between China and North Korea.
Ancient Trees and Modern Telescopes Hint at Our Sun’s Hidden PowerNOW.SPACE — An unlikely pair of data sources — ancient trees and high-tech space telescopes — suggest together that our Sun is capable of flares bigger than anything in recorded history.
Would You Climb Titan’s Highest Peak?NOW.SPACE — Scientists have located the highest peak on Saturn’s Moon Titan. It may never happen, but climbing it would be a damn incredible trip.
Here’s What It’s Like To Return To Earth After A Year In SpaceBUZZFEED — The hours and days after Scott Kelly detaches from the International Space Station will be super busy.
How Likely Are You To Be Struck By A Meteorite, Really?BUZZFEED — A man in India was apparently killed when a possible meteorite fell directly on him. What are the chances that this could happen to you?