Television Appearances
The Power of Falun Gong
July 21, 2020, ABC Foreign Correspondent
I was interviewed for this joint ABC Foreign Correspondent-Background Briefing investigation to talk about an investigation Jordan Liles and I undertook exposing the social media tactics and Falun Gong connections of an obscure pro-Trump media outlet named “The BL.”
Radio and Podcast Interviews
Why Coronavirus Misinformation Is So Hard To Fight
May 19, 2020, PBS News Hour Podcast “America, Interrupted”
The Classic Fact Check with Snopes' Alex Kasprak
Jun 23, 2020, The PEN Pod
Media Coverage
Coronavirus: How Bad Information Goes Viral (BBC News, March 19, 2020)
Snopes on the State of News, Facebook and the 2020 Election: ‘It’s going to be a mess’ (Geekwire, Dec. 23, 2019)
Snopes Exposes the Tennessee Star (Nashville Scene, March 4, 2019)
The Murky Facts of the ‘Deodorant Challenge’ (Washington Post, April 9, 2018)
The Condom Challenge isn’t the Latest Teen Craze. Here’s How it Went Viral Anyway (Washington Post, April 3, 2018)
Fake News Spreads Faster Than True News on Twitter—Thanks to People, Not Bots (Science, March 8, 2018)
The Snopes Guide to Spotting Fake News (CBC Radio, December 2, 2017)
Fact-checking in the Age of “Fake News”: A Q&A With Brooke Borel and Alex Kasprak (WCSJ 2017 Student Newsroom, November 17, 2017)
La vérification des faits, l’avenir du journalisme scientifique? (Agence Science-Presse, October 27, 2017)
Delingpole: An Impertinent Pup from Snopes Tried to Fact-Check Me on Global Warming. Here’s My Reply (Breitbart News, October 26, 2017)
El sinsentido de ataques acústicos en Cuba y la prensa de EE.UU. (Agencia Presna Latina, September 28, 2017)
House Democrat Fact-Checks Science Committee’s Climate Nonsense (Huffington Post, April 14, 2017)
Speaking Engagements
Fact-checking: The Future of Journalism? (World Conference of Science Journalists 2017)
Who Feeds the Climate Trolls? Perspectives on Climate Misinformation in the Age of 'Fake News' (4th International Symposium on Sustainability)