How Celebrity Culture Can Explain Our Galaxy's Supermassive DivaSgr A*, an attention-starved diva that has been a repeated disappointment to fans ever since it was propelled from obscurity into the harsh light of fame back in the 1970s.
Ceres’ Discarded Hopes And Dismantled DreamsCeres, a failed planet grasping for relevance with seductive but fraudulent suggestions about its true nature, represents nothing more than the discarded hopes and dismantled dreams of scientists—past and present—who have fallen victim to its sleazy lure.
Earth’s Potentially Nefarious Stalker2010 TK7, a glorified lost asteroid, is a freeloading potential agent of Jupiter that is not to be trusted.
On The Futility Of Metis’ ExistenceMetis, a grotesque and deformed shard of rock masquerading as a Jovian moon, is a dangerous existential crisis just waiting to happen.